Tujuh Hari Untuk Keshia (2025)

Sadewa was shocked by his ex-girlfriend who suddenly returned and brought a child named Keshia. Keshia's arrival made Sadewa realize that his life would be destroyed and in disarray, until an accident changed everything. Sadewa desperately wants to make Keshia happy, even though he really hates his father. Can Sadewa repair his relationship with Keshia without leaving any regrets?.

Where to Watch Tujuh Hari Untuk Keshia (2025) Movie ?

Country: Indonesia
Director: Eman Pradipta
Released: 24-01-2025
Language: Indonesia
Cast : Nugie, Tissa Biani Azzahra, LKiki Narendra

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Tujuh Hari Untuk Keshia (2025)

Tujuh Hari Untuk Keshia (2025)

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